Five years ago I was preparing to move from Glasgow to a village outside Falkirk. I had to move to be able to give up working and go to University of Glasgow.
Today is what I am calling Moving On Day as I get ready to pack up my worldly goods to go live in a flat in Glasgow. I am deliberately not using the words return, back or moving out. These words don’t describe the situation but moving on does.
I am moving on to my final year as an undergraduate, moving on to strengthen my connection and long held love of the City of Glasgow, moving on to live my life the way I want to and not how others think I should. Getting ready for today has taught me some valuable lessons. Some are joyful and some challenging but all are lessons.
Five years ago, the incredible Emma Doyle helped me cope with a stressful situation by getting me to switch my thoughts from “moving out” to “moving on”. Today those thoughts are firmly switched, bring on the van, get out the packing tape … it’s time to climb some stairs!!!